Avrasya Tüneli, dünyanın ilk iki katlı karayolu tünelidir.

As Eurasia Tunnel, we aim to contribute to society by adopting environmental, social and governance principles in line with our sustainability strategy and goals, and aim to implement sustainable practices at every stage of our tunnel operations.

Our sustainability governance structure provides a strategic framework to ensure that our company achieves its sustainability goals. The development, implementation and monitoring of policies regarding environmental, social and governance principles are carried out by sustainability committees. Committees hold regular meetings with people from different disciplines; It ensures that issues are addressed in a multifaceted manner and thus carries out activities to continuously improve our sustainability performance.

  • Board of
  • Ayraç
  • Sustainability
    Main Committee
  • Ayraç
  • Sustainability
    Sub Committee
  • Ayraç
  • Working

How to pay?

You can pay toll online now.

Due to maintenance work website payment system will be unavailable temporarily. At the meantime main payment channel HGS will function properly.